Black Friday 2021: Top Deals for Small Businesses

It’s almost over and, although the prevailing trend seems to be to snub Black Friday (at least if the chatter on my social media feeds is to be believed), the fact is you can get some really good deals on software and apps during this period. The best kinds of deals and the ones I usually look out for are so-called “lifetime deals”. These are the deals to snap up because they are usually offered by sites that otherwise require a monthly subscription, so a lifetime deal at a reduced price can amount to a huge saving for your business. Having scoured the internet, here are my top five for 2021.

#1 iubenda lifetime deal for 59 USD

App Sumo has a lifetime deal on iubenda, for privacy and cookie policies on up to 5 websites on any platform (Wix, WP, SquareSpace etc.) This is HUGE saving as usually they have a monthly subscription. iubenda is a reputable company and is one I use on my own websites. Definitely worth it if for peace of mind, particularly if you have more than one site. With your lifetime subscription you don’t need to worry about GDPR compliance as they take care of everything, including policy updates to accommodate legal changes.

#2 TidyCal lifetime deal for 29 USD

This one really is a billy bargain from App Sumo again. TidyCal is a competitor of Calendly and does pretty much exactly the same thing. At 29 dollars it’s a steal. Perfect for any kind of meeting scheduling. Buy now.

#3 Rey Theme for 34 USD

Over on Theme Forest they have “cyber week” and are offering discounts on many of their plugins, templates and themes, including “Rey” – one of my favourites. What I really like about this one is that it really gives you a great head start with your online WordPress store, with WooCommerce integration with lots of really useful customisations. Buy the Rey theme on Theme Forest

That’s all for now! I’ll add a few more as I find them throughout the day. Happy shopping!

Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link, which means I receive a small payment as a thank you for passing on your business. I have included it because it’s a great product that I am happy to refer you too. The company is reputable and will refund you within 30 days if you’re not happy with your purchase, on the condition that you remove the software from your system.

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