Why call Languedoc 121 Tech?

Are you a small business owner wishing you could hand over your tech to someone you can trust? Are you looking to build an online presence or enhance your current site’s search performance?

Languedoc 121 Tech is a one-stop shop for all your digital needs is based in the South of France and working with clients worldwide. We provide Website, SEO, Digital Marketing and Training as well as Personalised Technical Support customised to your needs at your home, your office or via remote connection online.

I bring my years of experience in the tech industry and the expertise of carefully selected partners to your home or office, wherever you are and whatever your level of experience.

With Languedoc 121 Tech you will receive a dedicated service tailored to your needs.

Services and Pricing

Website Design and Maintenance

If you’re running a small business you will need a website. We can help you with the design, development, and content

We use WordPress for new websites, and can also assist if you want to migrate from one of the online web platforms, like SquareSpace, Wix, or Weebly, to a WordPress website.

We also offer hosting, with the added benefit that our servers are powered with “green energy” – a must for anyone operating in a sector where sustainability is one of your selling points.

For anyone who already has a WordPress website, we can work with you on any major changes or improvements.

  • Maybe you need to add a new language?
  • Maybe your business has changed since the site was first created and you need to remodel it to make sure you’re reaching your ideal customer?
  • Do you want to add new functionality, like a shopping cart or event booking?

We can help. Contact us to arrange a free consultation to discuss your requirements.

SEO and Digital Marketing

Once you have your website setup you need to promote it effectively. You can do this by various traditional means, such as through face-to-face networking, but nowadays most marketing tends to take place online. This means optimising your content for search engines, managing your social media channels effectively, and using a combination of Google and Facebook Ads to more easily reach your ideal client.

We can work with you on all of the above, starting with a review. If you are interested in optimising your site and increasing your sales and awareness of your brand, contact us to start a conversation.

Technical Support & Training

Visit the Services page to discover the ways Languedoc 121 Tech can help you maintain your computer or electronic devices and become a more productive technology user.

We support Mac and PC, and can also provide help with your other technology, such as tablets, phones and iPads.

Maybe you need to backup your systems or files? Is your computer running too slowly – or maybe you need an upgrade but don’t know where to start. At Languedoc 121 Tech, we specialise in delivering Personalised Technical Support & Training, giving you the skills you need to this yourself, or we can do the work for you.

Workshops & Webinars

We are passionate about empowering other small business owners and solopreneurs in achieving their tech goals. We understand that it’s not always financially viable to outsource your website development, maintenance, and other tech tasks. To help with this we provide a comprehensive list of workshops and webinars that are delivered online or – for those within the local area – in person. Click the link to view our current programme of workshops.

About Me

I take care of your technical support so you can focus on your business – or just get on with enjoying your life!

To find out more about the face behind Languedoc 121 Tech, read the About Me page where I introduce myself and also explain why I set up my home-based business delivering personalised technical support & training to my customers.

Let’s Talk

To arrange a private training or support session or make a general enquiry, please contact me.

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