This tutorial will walk you through the steps to take to create a new email account for a domain you own using your cPanel dashboard.
Total Time: 5 minutes
Login to your cPanel account
Go to https://yourdomain.com/cpanel and enter your login credentials (username and password).
Open the Email Accounts Area
Scroll down to the EMAIL section and click Email Accounts.
Click Create
Click the blue + Create button to open the next screen.
Create the new account
1. Select the domain to use for the email account from the Domain list.
2. Add the username. This is the bit that goes before the “@” of the email address, so you might put “hello” to create a new email account hello@yourdomain.com.
3. Enter a password to use for this new account. Remember to make a note of it.
4. Set a storage space limit. It is recommended to NOT change this from the recommended default.
5. Leave everything else as-is and click the blue + Create button. -
Access your email
With the email account created you can log out of cPanel (just close the browser window). Your email account is now ready to use.
You can access it one of three ways:
– via cPanel (just click on the Check Email button next to the email address in the list of email accounts.)
– using your browser, using the web address yourdomain.com/webmail.
– by setting up POP/SMTP or IMAP access from an email client such as Outlook, Gmail, or Mail.